
Showing posts from November, 2021

Last Day of November...

 Can't believe it's the last day of November! Hope you're ready to go into the last month of the year...2021 is going by so fast!  Luna is right in front of the keyboard right now, so she's making it pretty hard to type. She's sometimes naughty when it comes to computers. One time she decided to walk on the keyboard. And turn on airplane mode. Which made the wifi not work, too. Then just now, as I was about to type something, she put in her own little message; uujhhhhh. Was she trying to spell ugh? No one knows. This picture is proof of her amusing antics: (This picture is actually titled "Luna breaks the Internet.") If you didn't know already, we do advent every year. We have a magnetic nativity, advent candles, and some books we read. This year Mom found a advent book we hadn't read yet, and so far it's really good. The introduction also said that because that book has a lot of food involved in it, it might be fun for the readers to have some

Fondue Friday 2021!

  Happy Friday! Or should I say, Happy Fondue Friday?  Anyways, if you didn't know this already, Fondue Friday (I named the day) is the day after Thanksgiving when the we decorate for Christmas and have fondue. This year's fondue dippers are raspberries, bananas, strawberries, dried apricots, pretzels, marshmallows, donuts, vanilla wafers, lemon cookies, and maybe more, I can't remember. Everyone also has a couple/ton of decorations to put in her/his room. Well, except for Ella. She already decorated most of her room, and I did her mini-tree for her and helped with a couple other things. Oh, and for supper we got pizza, too. Yum! This is kind of random, but if I sleep in Hattie's room again tonight, it'll be 4 weeks that I've slept in there. 😂 Should I go one more night...or not? Also, earlier today me, Ella, Mom, and Lily went shopping. We went to Walmart and Target, and also to Taco John's (for potato oles) and McDonald's (for fries and soda) in betwe

Thanksgiving 2021 Part 3

  So here I am again after supper! We had more hasselback potatoes, turkey, gravy, and a couple other leftover dishes from lunch. Nana and Paul had also brought brisket over a couple days ago for us, so we were going to have that too, but then we ended up not having it. Well, now we'll have some for tomorrow! And of course, we also had more dessert. We had more pie, plus jello, because Ella insisted we have it at Thanksgiving.  Ben and I also played Minecraft for a little bit before dessert, too. That's it for now! See ya tomorrow on Fondue Friday!

Thanksgiving 2021 Part 2 it's almost 6:00 and we're thinking about supper. Leaving on where I left us with Part 1, after I got changed Dad, Ben, Hattie, and I watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade for a while. I also crocheted for little bit while we watched, too.  Lunch was D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S, by the way. We had turkey, cranberry sauce, gravy, hasselback potatoes, green bean casserole, brussels sprouts, and maybe more, I can't remember. And before lunch , Ella, Hattie, Lily, and I put on nice clothes and Ella did makeup on all of us.  A little after lunch we had pie, too. The gluten-eating people (Dad, Ella, Ben, me, and Lily) had french silk pie (at least I think that's what it was) and the gluten-free people (Mom and Hattie) had chocolate pie. Then after we had lunch and pie, we hung around for a little bit and watched Free Birds. Well, Mom, Dad, Ella, Lily, and Hattie watched it while I played games on the tablet.  That's all for now! I'll post Part 3 again later

Thanksgiving 2021 Part 1

Happy Thanksgiving! I just got back in the house from doing the Turkey Trot. The Turkey Trot is when you have a choice to do a 1 mile or 5k walk/jog/run. We did a Reindeer Run last year, too, in December.  So...guess I'll probably change from all the layers I have on since it was around 13 degrees this morning. I'll post later about the rest of my Thanksgiving though!

Thanksgiving Break!!!

  Thanksgiving break has started out great! Can't wait for 5 more days of no school... I just got finished watching some Dude Perfect videos, and Mom, Ella, Hattie, and Luna are still watching them.  This is a project I've been working on lately for Christmas decorating. I found a pattern for crocheted trees that I'm working on right now, and then once you crochet them you make a chain to hang them on. If you like crocheting here's the link!  LoopTeeLoops: Christmas Tree Garland Pattern So...when do you decorate for Christmas? We decorate the day after Thanksgiving, and have fondue that day, too. So watch for a post about it on Friday... That's all for now! See ya later on my wonderful Thanksgiving break!

Getting better...

  Well, everyone's mostly better! And Thanksgiving is in eight days.  Sadly, I still can't go to GZ (Ground Zero, my youth group). But I can probably go next week.  That's all for now, I guess. We're having meatloaf for supper!

A Play...probably.

 We just got back from church 10-15 minutes ago. We're (well, Hattie, Lily, and me) are waiting to see if we can go to play practice today. The reason we might not be able to go is because Mom still has a little bit of the 'rona. But then again, Hattie, Lily, and I don't feel sick at all. The play is actually at the same spot I did volleyball at! The musical is called "Raad Tidings," and I really hope we can go. Plus some of our neighborhood friends are going, so that makes it even better.  I'll give you an update later!

Later, with Loki too

  Here I am again! For lunch some of our friends brought pork roast, squash, and veggies and Grammie brought over yummy soup and blueberry muffins. Mom, Dad, Hattie, Lily, and I just got finished watching a movie, but before that I did some of history and helped Ella set up her Christmas decorations in her room.  This is kind of random, but I came across this picture of Loki and she looks so cute! She looks so adorable, just sitting there like she's a book.  Gotta go now. I'll hopelessly try  (just kidding) try to post tomorrow!

Weekends...and Wontons!?

  Hey again! I'm sooo glad it's the weekend. No school for two days! Sorry the title is kind of confusing. I was just thinking about how much cream cheese wontons sound good right now. Too bad I can't have dairy (most of the time 😊 ). Not everyone is awake yet. I only know for sure that Mom, Dad, Loki, and I are awake. And that Hattie and Luna and sleeping. I know that Hattie is still sleeping because...1. She sleeps in a lot (so do I). And 2. I slept in her room again. Tonight marked the seventh night I've slept in there.  Guessss what? Now Thanksgiving is only in twelve days! Can't wait for five days of fall break to start. This year it's Nana and Paul's Thanksgiving, which is just where they have it on the actually day of Thanksgiving. It goes back and forth from Grammie and Papa's house to Nana and Paul's house. I can't wait to see them again! And have yummy food too... It frosted a little bit today. The roofs of houses got a little dusting

Fun on Friday

  Happy Friday! Sorry I haven't posted in 12 days, and hope your November's been going well.  Mine's been...kind of covid chaotic. Ella started to not feel so good a little while ago, Dad got a fever some nights ago, and then little while ago Lily didn't feel great either. Fortunately, they're all getting a lot better. Ben, Hattie, and I are the only ones who haven't felt sick, since Mom's a little iffy.  I'm getting pretty excited for Thanksgiving. After all, it's in less than 2 weeks! And after Thanksgiving, it's Fondue Friday, when we decorate for winter and Christmas. I'm also getting excited for Thanksgiving break! School is going fine, but I'm always up for summer/thanksgiving/winter/spring break 🙃 . I used to like school more, but after a hard and/or kind of boring history curriculum and math lessons, I don't enjoy it like I used to.  I just got finished watching Toy Story 4. Dad chose it, and Hattie, Lily, him, and I were th