Weekends...and Wontons!?

 Hey again! I'm sooo glad it's the weekend. No school for two days! Sorry the title is kind of confusing. I was just thinking about how much cream cheese wontons sound good right now. Too bad I can't have dairy (most of the time😊).

Not everyone is awake yet. I only know for sure that Mom, Dad, Loki, and I are awake. And that Hattie and Luna and sleeping. I know that Hattie is still sleeping because...1. She sleeps in a lot (so do I). And 2. I slept in her room again. Tonight marked the seventh night I've slept in there. 

Guessss what? Now Thanksgiving is only in twelve days! Can't wait for five days of fall break to start. This year it's Nana and Paul's Thanksgiving, which is just where they have it on the actually day of Thanksgiving. It goes back and forth from Grammie and Papa's house to Nana and Paul's house. I can't wait to see them again! And have yummy food too...

It frosted a little bit today. The roofs of houses got a little dusting of snow, but I'm pretty sure it's probably definitely going to melt. Then again, there's supposed to be snow showers again later. You just never can know the weather. It says completely sunny one day and pours that day. Completely sunny, huh?

That's all for now! I'll post more later if something happens (other than us watching on screens, wait whaaat?). See you!


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