

today I had a private volleyball lesson with a coach for an hour! it was so helpful with my serving and it was also rly fun! it was for an hour but it went by soo fast. 😭 it was definitely worth the money. in the middle of it, the power went out in the gym! it was js us there so it was kinda creepy but it was only for twenty seconds. they have a backup generator or something there so the lights turned back on after a tiny bit. 

we had a rly busy weekend loll. on saturday me, hattie, mom and dad left at 10 ish to go to our friends' cabin like an hour away! we went tubing and they whipped us around sooo much. after supper we watched Jurassic world and it was more interesting then i thought it was, it was actually pretty good lol 

yesterday me, lily, hattie, mom and dad left to go to a TOBYMAC concert 3 1/2 hours away! we literally got back at ONE THIRTY!! we went with my mom's cousin's family and some other people from her side too. im still rly tired today tho 😴

if u want to hear the tragic story of the three amigas, click here!

(its not actually tragic lol) 


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