Last Day of November...

 Can't believe it's the last day of November! Hope you're ready to go into the last month of the year...2021 is going by so fast! 

Luna is right in front of the keyboard right now, so she's making it pretty hard to type. She's sometimes naughty when it comes to computers. One time she decided to walk on the keyboard. And turn on airplane mode. Which made the wifi not work, too. Then just now, as I was about to type something, she put in her own little message; uujhhhhh. Was she trying to spell ugh? No one knows. This picture is proof of her amusing antics:

(This picture is actually titled "Luna breaks the Internet.")

If you didn't know already, we do advent every year. We have a magnetic nativity, advent candles, and some books we read. This year Mom found a advent book we hadn't read yet, and so far it's really good. The introduction also said that because that book has a lot of food involved in it, it might be fun for the readers to have some of the same food. Some. Because one of the foods we could eat is roasted locusts (grasshoppers), and although they sound delicious, I think we'll stick to the more...less super exotic-y foods. 

So, hope you've had a great November this year! And as I say (to be able to have dairy on "special occasions"), every day is a special day, because it only comes once a year!


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