Thanksgiving 2021 Part 2 it's almost 6:00 and we're thinking about supper. Leaving on where I left us with Part 1, after I got changed Dad, Ben, Hattie, and I watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade for a while. I also crocheted for little bit while we watched, too. 

Lunch was D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S, by the way. We had turkey, cranberry sauce, gravy, hasselback potatoes, green bean casserole, brussels sprouts, and maybe more, I can't remember. And before lunch , Ella, Hattie, Lily, and I put on nice clothes and Ella did makeup on all of us.

 A little after lunch we had pie, too. The gluten-eating people (Dad, Ella, Ben, me, and Lily) had french silk pie (at least I think that's what it was) and the gluten-free people (Mom and Hattie) had chocolate pie. Then after we had lunch and pie, we hung around for a little bit and watched Free Birds. Well, Mom, Dad, Ella, Lily, and Hattie watched it while I played games on the tablet. 

That's all for now! I'll post Part 3 again later after supper!


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