
Showing posts from July, 2021

A Message from Me (Luna)

Hi! This is Luna. I'm just here for a quick message.   If you didn't know, I'm kind of a sleepy kitty. The couch is one of my favorite spots. So comfy! Pillow make it even better! My name isn't Luna Bean for no reason! Here's me when I was little... My sister Loki looks so funny...she stuck out her tongue! Hope you liked my little message on Cora's blog! P.S. Check soon for a post from Loki! I think she got annoyed that I got to post but now her. Bye for meow! (You get it? Meow is now!)

its friday!

 Happy Friday! I've had a busy  really busy week. First, on Monday swimming lessons started and I went on a birthday outing with Nana and Paul. Second, there was swimming lessons again on Tuesday and Summer Takeover started. Summer Takeover is the "three best nights of the summer" that went to with some neighbors. It's for middle schoolers, and was held at the Eagle Brook Lino Lakes campus. It was super loud and super fun, and I'll definitely go next year. I'll try to post tmrw!

Spotlight on Luna

 Here's some photos of Luna that are pretty cute! I wonder how a keyboard is comfy... Lu looks so tall! This is Luna's "hovering potato cat" position. Her face is so cute! She's all cuddled up! Luna's "potato cat" taken from above Her potato cat Potato cat from an angle (Lu looks so happy!) "I didn't to anything!" she says... And while Una breaks the internet, Loki turns off the wifi and puts the computer in airplane mode. See ya tomorrow (hopefully!)

Sundays and Scones

 Today I've had my blog for exactly one month! I think I've done a good job of posting sorta-daily-kinda-maybe-ish. Anyways, here's some cute kitty pics! Comment on what you think I should post about next. Loki sleeping Lu sniffing lunchmeat Me and Luna Me and Loki For breakfast Hattie, Mom, and I made raspberry scones, and they were really good. Do you think blueberry scones (Mom made them for my b-day) or raspberry scones are better? Anyways, here's two of the raspberry ones! We kinda ate 6 of them before I could take a better pic, but they're super duper yummy either way. Check my blog soon for a Spotlight on Luna! (since I did a spotlight on Loki)

Just Another Day

Today I've been hanging out with Delaney alot since we had a sleepover with Lily at Delaney's house last night, and we stayed up till 12:00pm😐. Anyways, here's a pic of us today... And one of Loki... And one of Lu dozing on Lily's rug... See ya tomorrow!

My Birthday

 My birthday was yesterday, so I'm 11 now! For my birthday breakfast my mom made birthday scones. They were really yummy, and here's a pic of them. Also Loki pretending to be a present. Ella said that  "she's a gift that keeps on giving!" And while we were waiting for everyone to wake up, Lily and I took some selfies. For one of my birthday presents, I got Throw Throw Burrito, which is a "dodgeball card game." I may have accidentally (don't forget that part) thrown a burrito and hit Hattie on the face kinda hard😐. But she was fine and playing again in like 5ish minutes, so that's good. I also hung out with Delaney yesterday morning, too. She had lunch with us, which was hotdogs. Ella, Ben, and Lily also went out to get buns and came back with buns and slushies! They got the slushies from Speedway, and the flavors they brought home were cherry, blue raspberry, and strawberry...melon? I don't think we're going to Bill's anymore for sl

The Grand Adventure

 Every year Grammie and Papa take Hattie and me out for a "Grand Adventure," and this year we went camping again with two of my cousins, Jory and Willow. Hattie and I just got back today. We camped at Burlington Bay campground, and here's some pics from the first day... Hattie and me in the car on the way there Quick car selfie Supper in the camper Now the second day... On the pier On a big rock thing Having GoGo Squeezers At DQ Can't forget the ducks! I don't have that many photos from today, though. I did take one of a pretty flower bouquet I made.  I'll try to post tomorrow and hope you have a great day!

Back from Camp

 Hi! I got back from camp yesterday afternoon. It was SO FUN!!! My counselor and SMT were really nice and so were al of the girls in my cabin. I was there for two nights but if I go next year I wanna stay for longer than that since it seemed really short. Anyways, it was super-duper fun. I'll try to post tomorrow! P.S. Guess what? My birthday's in 5 days, on the 15th. I can't wait!

Leaving for Camp!!!

 I can't believe I'm leaving for camp today ! I'm really excited (but nervous, too). I need to go now, but I'll post about it once I get back!

Happy Fourth!

  Happy Fourth of July! Well, how was your Fourth? Mine was pretty great. Before lunch all my family got in the van and drove to Wild Mountain to spend the rest of the afternoon there. We had lunch in the van, which was super-duper yummy cowboy caviar, and then got out and headed for the Alpine Slide. That was probably one of my favorite things. Second, Dad, Ben, Lily, Hattie, and I went to the Freefall, where we all jumped off of the lower part first. Later we jumped off of the higher deck/platform/thingamabob. Too bad Mom and Ella didn't go on it. It would've been fun to see them jump off of it. Next, the gocarts. They were probably my least favorite, though they were still fun. I much rather preferred the waterslides. My favorites are probably the blue one and the black hole. The black hole is really fast but also really short, and the blue one is one where a bunch of people can go on. It was tons of fun, and after we all got to go to Dairy Queen. Anyways, I had a good day,

Independence Day Eve

 Last night for something fun to do to start off the Fourth of July, my family went to Elk River where some street vendors and food trucks were, then got kinda bored and went to Walmart to get some ice cream, pocky sticks, and cookies, and instead went to the Perkins parking lot to wait for fireworks. Here's some photos I took when we were waiting for the fireworks: Comment which one's your favorite! Also, I can't believe that I get to go to summer camp in only 3 days!!!

My Birthday Outing (and the rest of my day)

 Yesterday (Thursday) I got to have my birthday outing/sleepover with my Grammie and Papa. For supper we ate at the Hong Kong Buffet. The food was really yummy, and so was the ice cream! After that, we went back to Grammie's house and watched a movie. It was a pretty fun birthday outing, and here's some photos of me at the Hong Kong Buffet and at my Grammie's house. Then today my mom picked me up to go to Shamineau to bring Ella, Lily, and Hattie home. Speaking of Shamineau, I get to go there for summer camp in only 5 days! I'm getting even  more excited every day.  I need to go now, but I'll try to post tomorrow. Later!

6 Days Till Camp!!!

I can't believe I get to go to camp at Shamineau in 6 DAYS!!! Yay! I leave July 7 and get back on July 9. I am so super incredibly awesomely excited🤩. It'll be so fun, and this is actually the first time I've gone to summer camp. Ella, Lily, and Hattie are actually at Shamineau right now. Ella's volunteering and Lily and Hattie and doing camp. Our second cousins also came, so Hattie will get to hang out with Clara (She was in the 12 Days Till Camp post) lots. I'll try to post tomorrow!