My Birthday Outing (and the rest of my day)

 Yesterday (Thursday) I got to have my birthday outing/sleepover with my Grammie and Papa. For supper we ate at the Hong Kong Buffet. The food was really yummy, and so was the ice cream! After that, we went back to Grammie's house and watched a movie. It was a pretty fun birthday outing, and here's some photos of me at the Hong Kong Buffet and at my Grammie's house.

Then today my mom picked me up to go to Shamineau to bring Ella, Lily, and Hattie home. Speaking of Shamineau, I get to go there for summer camp in only 5 days! I'm getting even  more excited every day. 

I need to go now, but I'll try to post tomorrow. Later!


  1. Comment what you think I should blog about!

  2. We had such a great time with you sweet Cora. You are always such a delight to be around.


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