Sundays and Scones

 Today I've had my blog for exactly one month! I think I've done a good job of posting sorta-daily-kinda-maybe-ish. Anyways, here's some cute kitty pics! Comment on what you think I should post about next.

Loki sleeping

Lu sniffing lunchmeat

Me and Luna

Me and Loki

For breakfast Hattie, Mom, and I made raspberry scones, and they were really good. Do you think blueberry scones (Mom made them for my b-day) or raspberry scones are better? Anyways, here's two of the raspberry ones!

We kinda ate 6 of them before I could take a better pic, but they're super duper yummy either way.

Check my blog soon for a Spotlight on Luna! (since I did a spotlight on Loki)


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