Happy Fourth!


Happy Fourth of July!

Well, how was your Fourth? Mine was pretty great. Before lunch all my family got in the van and drove to Wild Mountain to spend the rest of the afternoon there. We had lunch in the van, which was super-duper yummy cowboy caviar, and then got out and headed for the Alpine Slide. That was probably one of my favorite things. Second, Dad, Ben, Lily, Hattie, and I went to the Freefall, where we all jumped off of the lower part first. Later we jumped off of the higher deck/platform/thingamabob. Too bad Mom and Ella didn't go on it. It would've been fun to see them jump off of it. Next, the gocarts. They were probably my least favorite, though they were still fun. I much rather preferred the waterslides. My favorites are probably the blue one and the black hole. The black hole is really fast but also really short, and the blue one is one where a bunch of people can go on. It was tons of fun, and after we all got to go to Dairy Queen. Anyways, I had a good day, and I hope you also had a Happy Fourth!


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