My Birthday

 My birthday was yesterday, so I'm 11 now! For my birthday breakfast my mom made birthday scones. They were really yummy, and here's a pic of them. Also Loki pretending to be a present. Ella said that  "she's a gift that keeps on giving!"

And while we were waiting for everyone to wake up, Lily and I took some selfies.

For one of my birthday presents, I got Throw Throw Burrito, which is a "dodgeball card game." I may have accidentally (don't forget that part) thrown a burrito and hit Hattie on the face kinda hard😐. But she was fine and playing again in like 5ish minutes, so that's good. I also hung out with Delaney yesterday morning, too. She had lunch with us, which was hotdogs. Ella, Ben, and Lily also went out to get buns and came back with buns and slushies! They got the slushies from Speedway, and the flavors they brought home were cherry, blue raspberry, and strawberry...melon? I don't think we're going to Bill's anymore for slushies! For snack I had Cinnamon Toast Crunch, which was a present from Ella. For supper we had sushi (my b-day supper for the 6-7+ years. Here's a pic of last year when we had to eat at home because of covid...

Any then some photos of us yesterday!

After we had our sushi, the waiter brought me a birthday dessert (I still don't know what it is) that had whipped cream and sprinkles on cake or something. 

I'll try to post tomorrow!


  1. Happy birthday sweet Cora. Looks like you had a great celebration.


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