Spring/Summer Plans

 Hi again! Sorry I haven't posted in a little while. I got busy and a little distracted..hehe

Anyways, I have a BUSY April coming up. Some of the things that make it busy are here...

Spring Break: April 7-17

Hattie's Birthday: April 17

Easter: April 17

Some family coming over: April 22-24

Mother-Daughter Retreat (at Shamineau): April 29-May 1

Do you remember me talking about the Mother-Daugther Retreat before at all? If not, check out this post here. I can't wait!

Other than that, I've mostly just been busy with school, friends, and more. Guess what? My mom also got me signed up for summer camp. It's in the last week of June. Speaking of June, the bash is the week before I leave! (The Bash is when a bunch of family and extended family come here for a weekend. It's tons of fun.) One last fun thing for summer; VBS! This year I'm going (again) with a friend to a ranch for horse VBS. Actually, Hattie's going too, the same days as me! She had a realllllllly fun time there like me. This time I won't miss any days because I have to leave for camp. I had to leave early last year, which was kind of a bummer. At least it was for something fun! Lily went there instead of me, too.

That's all for today, I guess! Hope I made up for the missed days. πŸ™ƒ See ya!

Also, just wondering since we're talking about camp. Do you usually like the food at camp? I do. K, got to go for real now. Bye!


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