
 To catch you up, here's what's been going on lately in my life!


Christmas/New Year's Eve were pretty good for me. As always, my family went to three different Christmases. A Christmas on my dad's side, a Christmas on my mom's side, and a Christmas with just my family. It got really busy. For New Year's Eve, some family from my mom's side came over so we could have a New Year's Eve party like last year! For supper we had a ramen bar with ramen, broth, bok choy, eggs, mushrooms, onions, chicken, and other toppings. We stayed up until 12:00 playing Just Dance, Lego Rock Band, and Country Rock Band. 


Now that it's the New Year (and that is has been for eight days), we have to start school tomorrow. Actually, we started school last Tuesday but we only did a few subjects then like math and science. This week we're starting everything. Which is four or more subjects. Which is sort of a lot. Which is sad. 


On a, let's see, less DEPRESSING note, I had a sleepover on Friday with Delaneyy! We watched a movie, had hot cocoa and popcorn, stayed up until later than 12:00pm πŸ₯±, and did face masks. For breakfast we had cinnamon rolls with frosting, milk, and eggs with sausage. It was really yummy. 


That's all for now, I guess. See ya later!


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