
 Hi! Sorry I haven't posted in 12 days. I got kind of busy. 😬

Anyways, my life's been going pretty good. I had a volleyball game last night in Andover and my team won one out of three matches. I also got hit whacked in the face with a ball. It doesn't really hurt anymore though. 

School's also going good, but I still kinda wish weekdays were switched with weekends. So then we would only have two days of school and five days of weekend. But on the plus side, in one of my co-op classes we got to have donuts. I got a white frosted one with jelly inside.

It's my friend's birthday today and she invited Lily and me to supper at her house tonight. She has a blog called Amongst the Wildflowers.

I'm looking forward to this weekend alot. It's Ella's birthday on Saturday and some of my family is coming over too. Ella chose chicken, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and biscuits (I think) for her birthday supper, and we might also be having crepes, but I dont' know. Saturday is also Super Soccer Saturday for Lily and Hattie, and Dad is coaching Hattie's three games. 

That's it for now, so see ya later!


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