So busy!

This weekend is so busy! Yesterday was Ella's birthday and also Super Soccer Saturday for Hattie and Lily. All of the Hublers (minus Ben), the Kandells, Grammie and Papa, and Zyra and Aaliyah came. I also saw someone from my volleyball team! We all had lunch there and then went to Grammie's house. For Ella's birthday supper, she chose mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, chicken, biscuits, and pie. After supper (and a yummy dessert!) we watched a movie then went home. 

Right now we're getting ready for church, and after Grammie, Papa, Zyra, Aaliyah, and us will all come back here for crepes. 

Do you know what's sad though? I only have four more practices/games in volleyball left. I guess it isn't that bad, because the reason why I have to stop volleyball early is cause we're leaving for Utah the next day. I still wish I could finish volleyball though. 

Gotta go now!


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