Back from Utah!

 Guess what? I'm back from Utah!

So...technically I got back last night, but I didn't have enough time to post about it until now. Here ya go!

~DAY 1~ 

First day in Utah

We got back from the airport late, met Jamie (my uncle from Mom's side), and Ben went with him to job shadow the next day. The rest us of drove to the Air BnB and stayed up later than 1:00 in Utah time. 

~DAY 2~

Lots of hiking day

Went hiking at Provo Canyon and took some pics there. Here they are!

Then later we went hiking again on a mountain that had a great overlook. It was also kind of sketchy because the path was narrow-ish and slanted at some parts. Ben and Dad went up REALLY high. 

I guess you had to be there to really appreciate the view. 

Later for supper we went to CupBop, a Korean place, and went to see the Cougars play in a volleyball game. They won the first three sets, so the game was the shortest possible. Which was good, because we were all really tired.

We got to bed pretty late again. 

~DAY 3~
The chill day

For this day I sadly don't have as many pics. Before lunch all of us except Mom went to Jamie's place and had chili for lunch with Jamie, Grammie, and Papa. After that we met up with Mom, dropped Ben off at Lowe's Xtreme Airsports, and got ice cream. We split up after that. Grammie, Mom, Jamie, and Ella drove to a bunch of stores looking for things for Jamie's place and Papa, Dad, Lily, Hattie, and I got Ben and went to the Nickel Arcade. The Piano Keys one was my favorite one. Supper was In-and-Out, and then all the Arcade people went back to our place and watched like a million DP videos.

~DAY 4~
Hot Springs Day

After lunch we decided to hike to Hot Springs since we were going to the day before. The hike was kind of long, but pretty good.

 I like Ben's face in the background. He's like, oh my word, it's a tree!
Anyways, here's us at Hot Springs!

Supper was party pizzas, and once again we watched a million Dude Perfect videos.

~DAY 5~
Or the day I almost fell off a bunch of rocks. 

We started out on our hike pretty good. Don't think I sound crazy, cause Lily thinks this is kind of true too. The bathrooms there seemed a little creepy. There was just something sinister about it! Anyways, the hike went pretty well, though there was some slush and mud. But...that seemed like nothing when we saw what we were about to do. There was a million rocks/BOULDERS leading up to Donut Falls. Once you got up there, the view was AWESOME. 

That's all for now, I'll post some more pics tomorrow of Donut Falls. Good night!


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