
Showing posts from October, 2021

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! I went trick-or-treating with some friends from the neighborhood and after that we traded. Comment what you did!

Last night of volleyball!

Tonight was the last night of volleyball, which is a little sad. It was really fun, and I got to meet some fun girls on the team. On the plus side though, I might get to see everyone one last time. And our last game tonight, we did amazingly well! We won three out of three sets in the match. I sooo want to do it again next year!

Back from Utah!

  Guess what? I'm back from Utah! So...technically I got back last night, but I didn't have enough time to post about it until now. Here ya go! ~DAY 1~  First day in Utah We got back from the airport late, met Jamie (my uncle from Mom's side), and Ben went with him to job shadow the next day. The rest us of drove to the Air BnB and stayed up later than 1:00 in Utah time.  ~DAY 2~ Lots of hiking day Went hiking at Provo Canyon and took some pics there. Here they are! Then later we went hiking again on a mountain that had a great overlook. It was also kind of sketchy because the path was narrow-ish and slanted at some parts. Ben and Dad went up REALLY high.  I guess you had to be there to really appreciate the view.  Later for supper we went to CupBop, a Korean place, and went to see the Cougars play in a volleyball game. They won the first three sets, so the game was the shortest possible. Which was good, because we were all really tired. We got to bed pretty late again.  ~D

Utah soon!

I can't believe we leave for Utah tomorrow! The flight is late afternoon/early evening and I'm already mostly packed, since we're only staying for five nights. I also pretty much packed Hattie's whole suitcase...and helped her pack part of her busy bag. We're flying Delta I think, so I hope they'll be movie screens๐Ÿ˜. At least we don't have to leave around three in the we had to before for our vacay in Florida.  I guess that's all for now. We get to have chicken parmesan for supper. See ya later!

So busy!

This weekend is so busy! Yesterday was Ella's birthday and also Super Soccer Saturday for Hattie and Lily.   All of the Hublers (minus Ben), the Kandells, Grammie and Papa, and Zyra and Aaliyah came. I also saw someone from my volleyball team! We all had lunch there and then went to Grammie's house. For Ella's birthday supper, she chose mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, chicken, biscuits, and pie. After supper (and a yummy dessert!) we watched a movie then went home.  Right now we're getting ready for church, and after Grammie, Papa, Zyra, Aaliyah, and us will all come back here for crepes.  Do you know what's sad though? I only have four more practices/games in volleyball left. I guess it isn't that bad, because the reason why I have to stop volleyball early is cause we're leaving for Utah the next day. I still wish I could finish volleyball though.  Gotta go now!


  Hi! Sorry I haven't posted in 12 days. I got kind of busy. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Anyways, my life's been going pretty good. I had a volleyball game last night in Andover and my team won one out of three matches. I also got hit whacked in the face with a ball. It doesn't really hurt anymore though.  School's also going good, but I still kinda wish weekdays were switched with weekends. So then we would only have two days of school and five days of weekend. But on the plus side, in one of my co-op classes we got to have donuts. I got a white frosted one with jelly inside. It's my friend's birthday today and she invited Lily and me to supper at her house tonight. She has a blog called Amongst the Wildflowers. I'm looking forward to this weekend alot. It's Ella's birthday on Saturday and some of my family is coming over too. Ella chose chicken, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and biscuits (I think) for her birthday supper, and we might also be having crepes, but I