My Weekend

 I have to admit, this weekend was pretty fun. Yesterday everyone but Ella and me left for Lily and Hattie's soccer, so the house was pretty quiet for the first part of the morning. Then for brunch (basically lunch for me, I had a late breakfast), Mom, Lily, Hattie, and I drove to the Kitchen Table and got some food. I got Maddie's breakfast, which is pancakes, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and sprinkles. Most of the afternoon I hung out with friends and then later we went to the Nowthen Fall Festival and saw some of our neighbors there! I got mini donuts, and the fireworks at the end of the night were really cool. 

This morning we went to church with one of Ella's friends and had a yummy lunch once we got back. We hung out with Delaney for most of the afternoon and then closer to supper most of us were hanging out in the front yard. I practiced volleyball a little bit with my Dad, and now we're waiting for the fire to start outside. 

It's been a great weekend!


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