A Stay at Sakatah

 Sorry I haven't posted lately. Mom, Ben, Lily, Hattie, and I went to Sakatah Lake to camp with my grandparents. We stayed Friday night, and the next day we went on two bike rides and Dad and Ella came in the afternoon. It was actually only supposed to be one night that we were there, but Dad, Hattie, Lily, and I went another night and stayed until today. This morning before lunch Grammie, Papa, Dad, Lily, Hattie, and I left for another bike ride and I came back really hot. Dad said that we had biked 5.5 miles on the way there and 5.5 on the way back, so we actually had biked 11 MILES!!! No wonder I was so hot...

We left around 3:15-30pm and started the drive home. On the way for a 4:00 lunch I had a burger and fries from Culver's. When the four of us got home Owen was here, and now they're going on a four-wheeler ride. I'm going to go too once one person gets off. 

I don't have any pics of it right now but I will try to post some soon. Comment if you'd rather tent camp or camper camp. Bye!


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