A Day at the Circus

 I can't believe July is over! Loki is being cute (and naughty since she escaped like 5 minutes ago), so here's a pic of her!

Yesterday my family and some of my Dad's family when to Circus Juventas or as some of my family calls it, Aventas. Or Gingervitus. Take your pick! Anywaaays...it was called Galaxium, and it was really fun. I took some pictures, but they might be a little blurry since the circus people were moving around alot.

Check out this video for more!

Once the circus the over, some of us went to Arby's to get food. After that, we hung around for a little bit and then went home. It was a blast!

Then today, Ella's friend Owen came over and then we went to church with him. For lunch we had hashbrowns (yummy), chicken (also yummy), and ribs (messy!). This afternoon Ella, Elsa (Hattie's friend), Owen, and I went to something-something park. Elsa, Hattie, and I played on the playground while the other two played tennis. We played like a MILLION rounds of cherrybomb and hide-and-seek. And now we're home (and waiting for supper which is Chinese chicken salad). I'll try to post tomorrow!



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