
Showing posts from August, 2021

Adalay Over Here

 Happy Sunday! Right now Adalay is over here and here is a message from her! To: You I feel trapped here plz help me. 😧😧😧 From: Adalay (she was kidding - dont worry lol)  

Loki and the Loft

Hey! Lately my Mom and Dad have been working on the loft, like putting a new couch in it and stuff, and I just wanted to show you what it looks like now.  It looks so much better and they put in a cute wall desk and shelf behind the couch. If you look closely you can see it. Also the tv only has eight bookshelf cubbies ( I couldn't find a better name) below it instead of twelve. The other four bookshelves against the wall with the door leading to my room. Loki was sleeping for a little bit while we were organizing the shelves, and here she it looking really cute and snuggling next to all the books.

Some Sakatah Pics

 In my last post I said I would post some pics of us camping, so if you look down you can see them! So on Sunday we biked about 5 1/2 miles, and then we stopped at a place called the Dollar General to get some snacks. I had Pringles, freeze-dried bananas and strawberries, beef jerky, and Gatorade.  Us on a bike ride Later in the bike ride Having a snack Hope you liked the pictures. It has been raining like C-R-A-Z-Y this morning, so I hope it clears up soon. See ya later! P.S. Loki is sleeping on a blanket right now and being all cuddly so I'm gonna go pet her!

A Stay at Sakatah

 Sorry I haven't posted lately. Mom, Ben, Lily, Hattie, and I went to Sakatah Lake to camp with my grandparents. We stayed Friday night, and the next day we went on two bike rides and Dad and Ella came in the afternoon. It was actually only supposed to be one night that we were there, but Dad, Hattie, Lily, and I went another night and stayed until today. This morning before lunch Grammie, Papa, Dad, Lily, Hattie, and I left for another bike ride and I came back really hot. Dad said that we had biked 5.5 miles on the way there and 5.5 on the way back, so we actually had biked 11 MILES!!! No wonder I was so hot... We left around 3:15-30pm and started the drive home. On the way for a 4:00 lunch I had a burger and fries from Culver's. When the four of us got home Owen was here, and now they're going on a four-wheeler ride. I'm going to go too once one person gets off.  I don't have any pics of it right now but I will try to post some soon. Comment if you'd rather t

Some Quick Pics

 Happy Tuesday! I found some really cute pics of Lu and Loki, so here they are!  Luna and Loki loved Christmas time. So many things to play with and paw at! Loki hangin' out on the stairs. Sleepy Lu. These cats are so cute! Loki is such a little puffball! Luna is super duper cute in this pic! Hope you liked them and comment which one is your favorite!

The Nice Ella Video

Watch this for a laugh. Ben made this a while ago and I still think it's kinda here it is. Comment what you think!  And of course, you can't forget those cute kitties. They are just fluffy and cute!

Cats on a Beanbag

 This is Luna and Loki on a beanbag earlier! Aren't they super cute? I was playing with Adalay alot yesterday, and here's some pics we took! Nice face Tongue face Weird face Tiny Adalay on a drumstick Me on Adalay's hand Of course we couldn't forget Loki! Or Luna. Adalay also brought her supper over here and then when Kaia came we went night swimming. I guess that's it for now, but I'll try to come back and post later. See you soon!

Happy Birthday Mom!

 Yesterday was my Mom's birthday! After lunch Hattie and I gave her presents and then we went to see Boss Baby 2! For supper we (Mom, Dad, Hattie, me) went to Crisp&Green (really yummy). We actually celebrated some of it on Friday, since Ella, Aaliyah, Ben, and Lily had to leave for their Grand Adventure yesterday, but that was just from yesterday. Here is Loki last night saying Happy Birthday to Mom.
 Well, here I am again! The last time I posted I said that Grammie, Mom, Ella, Aaliyah, Hattie, and I were going to IKEA, and we were there for like, 3 1/2 - 4 HOURS! It got a little  kind of long after a while, but on the bright side, we got to stop at Kwik Trip for snacks (I shouldn't have eaten that cinnamon roll)! So that was on Monday, right? On Tuesday (yesterday) I hung out with friends a lot and Night to Unite was also yesterday. I was with Adalay, Delaney, and Auden most of the time. It was pretty fun, and the orange creamsicle I had was really yummy (and sugary!)and good!). I don't really know what we'll do today (we might just hang around) but I'll post if we do! P.S. This is sort of random, but what's your favorite animal or animals? Comment what it is!  Catch you soon raccoon!!!

My Cabin Pic

 So, this is kinda  really late, but here's my cabin pic from Shamineau! I need to go now since Mom, Ella, Hattie and I are going to IKEA with Grammie and Aaliyah (my cousin), but comment if and where you've been to camp before!

A Day at the Circus

 I can't believe July is over! Loki is being cute (and naughty since she escaped like 5 minutes ago), so here's a pic of her! Yesterday my family and some of my Dad's family when to Circus Juventas or as some of my family calls it, Aventas. Or Gingervitus. Take your pick! was called Galaxium, and it was really fun. I took some pictures, but they might be a little blurry since the circus people were moving around alot. Check out this video for more! Once the circus the over, some of us went to Arby's to get food. After that, we hung around for a little bit and then went home. It was a blast! Then today, Ella's friend Owen came over and then we went to church with him. For lunch we had hashbrowns (yummy), chicken (also yummy), and ribs (messy!). This afternoon Ella, Elsa (Hattie's friend), Owen, and I went to something-something park. Elsa, Hattie, and I played on the playground while the other two played tennis. We played like a MILLION rounds of c