
Hi! I just finished a lower body workout. πŸ™ƒ


Guess what? We leave for Mother Daughter Retreat on friday!! It's only four more days! On Saturday there's a "red carpet awards event," but your supposed to bring fancy clothes to it. 😦 I don't really have any "fancy" clothes to bring! Even if I did, why would I bring it to CAMP!? I just looked and its says that there's a lot of rain on Saturday. 😭🌧️

I have to shower and then eat supper bc its seven and I still haven't had anything yet!! 

I didn't end up showering yet bc I was too hungry!! We had chicken tikka masala, rice, and roasted broccoli and it was SOO good! After, me and Lily played Minecraft hehe 


A couple weeks ago we got new(ish) van, but then today we had to get it TOWED!! 

A rly big bolt came off from somewhere in the van and then the wheel got all wonky!! We have to leave on Friday for the retreat, so hopefully it gets fixed before then. If it doesn't, then we have to take the OLD VAN. The old van's problems are...

- One of the doors you have to manually push open, its supposed to be sliding door kinda thing that you can open with a little handle you barely have to push 

- It always makes weird noises 

- There's a crack on the windshield 

- There's a million more scrapes and stuff like that on the van 

- It's always a MESS! 

We're going to have to take THAT!!


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