allergies 🀧

 AAHHH my eyes are literally SOOO itchy rn bc i forgot to take my allergy medicine this morning!! Me and Delaney went on the tramp for like an hour! actually like half the time we were playing games with her little brother and his friend lolll 

I'm leaving in like 45 minutes to Crossfire for volleyball! It's for an hour and a half and we work on skills for pretty much all of it. At the end we'll do a scrimmage sometimes, but only for a little bit. The first time I went, I was still getting better from being sicko (like Ella and Hattie call it), and we do sooo much running my throat got so dry!! All of the drills were rly confusing at first so I had to keep asking one girl how to do them πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚ This is my 5th time going so its a lot easier now. 


I probably have to eat supper before I go, but I'm not rly sure what I'm going to have. Well, I'm not rly sure if anyone even looks at this blog anymore bc I took like a 9-month break from posting, but now I've posted oh...its been like four posts in two days!! I'm pretty sure the only view counts that are showing up are mine from seeing what the blog looks like, but at least they kinda count! 


Hope my allergies go away before I have to go! Oh btw if u saw my last post...

...I didnt burn the cookies 😁


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