Last Day of August


One fun thing I did:
No idea, there's probably something but right now I'm going blank. πŸ˜‚

One thing I regret:
Um...not posting?? Or maybe not swimming as much this month...we don't have a lot of swimming days left.

One thing I'm looking forward to:
Volleyball starting on September sixth! This year I'm doing it with Delaney again (last year was my first year playing volleyball as a sport) and this time Lily is doing it too! I'm pretty sure we're all on the same team together.

One thing I'm not looking forward to:
School starting in September...that's sorta sad.

An accomplishment:
A tiger I drew from a video. I'll post a picture soon, because it looks so realistic!! I wish I could draw like that without a video. Also I had two sleepovers that were less than a week apart. Does that count?

Events coming up:
-Volleyball starting
-School starting
-Youth group at my church starting
-Lily and Dad's birthdays
-Labor Day weekend

That's all for now! This post is a little different than what I usually do but comment if you like it. Bye for now!


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