
Showing posts from April, 2022

Leaving for Shamineau!

  I'm sooo excited!!! My Mom, Ella, Lily, Hattie, me, and a couple of our other relatives are leaving for the Mother-Daughter retreat at Shamineau tomorrow! I'm super excited. I wrote a post about our time there last year a while ago. If you didn't read it and want to, click  here. That's all for today!

Easter Weekend 2022 (Part 2)

  Hi! My Easter Weekend's been great so far. We went over to Grammie's before lunch, and stayed there a while until going to a Vietnamese restaurant.  It was really yummy.  We also went to church on Saturday. Here's a picture of us in our Easter outfits!

Easter Weekend 2022 (Part 1)

Yay! It's Easter weekend now!!! This weekend is going to be so fun! I think today we're all going to Grammie and Papa's house to see Aaliyah and Zyra and then tomorrow night we're having our Easter supper at my mom's side. Sunday is Hattie's birthday and also Easter, and we're going to Nana's house for a lot of day. I can't wait for Hattie to open up her presents on her birthday. All of mine to her are done. I don't really know what else to post about! Right now Dad and Hattie are making pancakes, syrup, and bacon for breakfast. Check soon for more Easter Weekend posts. See you later!

Mondays and Matcha

 Happy Sunday! Do you know why I'm sooo excited for Monday? We don't have school at all, since it's finally our spring break! Yay! Sadly, we still have to do a tiny bit. But not all of it! I also worked ahead in some school, so I won't have that much on Monday at all. Woohoo! The rest of April is going to go by so fast! I wrote about it  here.  My aunt and cousin are also coming Thursday so we can have Easter together. I can't wait for this weekend!  Today was also fun. I went to Caribou with a friend today and got a vanilla matcha latte (it was really yummy). I also split a half of a donut with Lily.  That's all for now! Sorry I haven't posted in a little while. See ya!

Spring/Summer Plans

 Hi again! Sorry I haven't posted in a little while. I got busy and a little distracted..hehe Anyways, I have a BUSY April coming up. Some of the things that make it busy are here... Spring Break: April 7-17 Hattie's Birthday: April 17 Easter: April 17 Some family coming over: April 22-24 Mother-Daughter Retreat (at Shamineau): April 29-May 1 Do you remember me talking about the Mother-Daugther Retreat before at all? If not, check out this post  here.  I can't wait! Other than that, I've mostly just been busy with school, friends, and more. Guess what? My mom also got me signed up for summer camp. It's in the last week of June. Speaking of June, the bash is the week before I leave! (The Bash is when a bunch of family and extended family come here for a weekend. It's tons of fun.) One last fun thing for summer; VBS! This year I'm going (again) with a friend to a ranch for horse VBS. Actually, Hattie's going too, the same days as me! She had a realllllllly