
Showing posts from December, 2021

Merry Christmas!!! (Part 2)

Hi again! If you haven't seen Merry Christmas!!! (Part 1) you should look at that before reading this. Anyways, here's what we did today! ~CHRISTMAS DAY~ (Picking up where I last left off) When we got to Grammie's house, we all had leftovers for lunch. And of course, more cookies. An hour-ish later, the Backward Christmas started! The reason we call it the "Backward Christmas" is because instead of getting, we give! This year the charity was WorldVision. All of us split up into teams of 2 or 3. My team was Mom, Willow, and me. We had to find as many 10 dollar bills as we could to win. Once we got three, all of us "bought" a drink at the drink table. Finding 7 dollar bills got us each 5 yummy drinks. It was really fun! Then after all the dollar bills had been found, you used your "money" to pick out things to give to WorldVision.  This afternoon was mostly just hanging around, millions of cookies and other treats, and some of us had a talent sho

Merry Christmas!!! (Part 1)

  Hi again! How's your holidays been going? Here's what we've been doing... ~CHRISTMAS EVE~ (Yesterday) Once we all ate lunch, we met up with Zyra, Aaliyah, Jill's family, Grammie, and Papa at ROL for a Christmas Eve service there. When we got back, we set out a bunch of cookies and snacked on those for most of the afternoon. Christmas Eve supper was delicious. There was a bunch of different kinds of salads, fruit dip, shrimp, grilled chicken, and maybe more, I forgot. After we had more cookies and just hung out.  ~CHRISTMAS DAY~ (Today) Well...we haven't really done a ton yet. Breakfast was hashbrowns and sausage patties. Yum! In about ten minutes we're leaving for Grammie's house. Guess that's all for now! I'll post Part 2 later today so you can know more of what we did/will do. See ya!

Cookie Baking Day/Christmas Weekend

  Hi again! How's your December weekend going? Ours is pretty busy. Yesterday we had our Cookie Baking Day... Grammie came over yesterday morning at about 10:00am for Cookie Bake Day! Mom, Ella, Lily, Hattie, and I all worked a lot on a BUNCH of cookies. We made rolo turtles, peanut butter blossoms, lefsa, krumkake, biscotti, buckeyes, almond joys, butterfinger bars, and maybe more, I don't know. Can't wait until we can eat all of them at Christmas! Then later after supper we watched the Grinch. The other thing that makes this weekend busy is Christmas on Dad's side! It's tomorrow at Nana's house. Actually, it's also Thanksgiving, too. That's all for now. I'll try to post tomorrow, but I'm busy since you know, I have a Christmas celebration tomorrow. 😉 See ya later!

Winter's Here!

Ok, it isn't OFFICIALLY winter yet, but it looks like it outside to me! Snow came down a couple days ago, and now it actually looks like December outside.  Right now it's just Dad, Hattie, and I at the house. Mom, Ella, and Lily are at a Corrie Ten Boom play and Ben is at work. Dad is watching football right now, Hattie has Luna on her lap, and I'm typing here. Not a lot of stuff has happened here tonight. I did some watercoloring and lettering earlier and made some Christmas cards, and I just finished making a smoothie for Hattie and me a little bit ago. So...that's it then! I'm getting excited for Nana's Christmas on the 19, only 10 days. See ya tomorrow!