
Showing posts from May, 2024

๐ŸŽ“ BeNs GrAd PaRtY ๐ŸŽ“

Hi! Sorry I haven't posted in a while! We've been soooo busy bc bens grad party is tmrw!! We're having a walking taco bar and we have coffee, lemonade, and flavor syrups for both of them!  I'll try to post again tmrw but idk if i can bc we have a bunch of family in town. See ya! 
hey guys! guess what? i've posted sorta normal for a MONTH NOW! i havent rly done that since like ... two years ๐Ÿ˜‚ Crossfire spring training ended yesterday which is kinda sad. i have a four week break and then volleyball camp starts on june 17!  ben's grad party is on june 1 in like less than two weeks or smth. we went to two grad parties on saturday!  thats it for now ig, theres not rly anything else to post about lol 


Heyy!!  Tonight was SUMMERFEST for gz! Its the end of year party we always have! It's kinda sad tho, bc now gz is done for the year until next fall.  (this was the little picture that they made for it) It's always sooo fun tho! There was a Hawaiian shirt contest (which ummm i kinda forgot about. oops) and free food! There was nerds gummy clusters and i ate like wayy too many of them. After they always have a big water war! This year there was a fire truck so we got sprayed. so. BAD!!! When we drove home we had to sit on towels bc our clothes were so wet!  I'll try to post tmrw! if theres anything to post about hehe

✨ summer drink recipe ๐Ÿ“

Heyy!! Today me and lily made rly yummy drink! Instead of starbuck's blended strawberry lemonade, we made a blended raspberry limeade and it was soo yummy! The recipe is super easy and you don't have to have a bunch of special ingredients.  ✨ BLENDED RASPBERRY LIMEADE  ✨             makes: 2 servings  Ingredients  - 1 1/2 cups limeade - Raspberry puree (1/3 cup raspberries, 3 tsp sugar, 2 tsp water)  - 1 - 1 1/2 cups ice (depends on how slushy you like yours, if its already crushed it makes it easier to blend) Instructions - Put the raspberries, sugar, and water in the blender and puree until blended  - Strain the puree to get rid of the raspberry seeds (ew)  - Add the puree back into the blender, pour in the limeade and blend  - Put the ice in and blend (it should be slushy) - Enjoy

my rating of peppers and why ๐Ÿซ‘

MY RATING OF COLORED PEPPERS: BEST TO WORST  ๐Ÿงก orange peppers        (this is for eating peppers raw. ALL peppers are just meh once you cook them)        theyre the yummiest.  ๐Ÿ’› yellow peppers        not AS good as orange peppers, but still yummy. and i like how colorful they are  ❤️ red peppers        orange and yellow peppers are a little bit sweet, but red ones arent rly sweet at all ☹️ ๐Ÿ’š green peppers        the WORST peppers, bc some of them are bitter! actually, this is like the only kind of peppers that's better cooked the only emoji i could find for peppers is a GREEN ONE. ew. ๐Ÿคข sooo i went into emoji kitchen and made...AN ORANGE ONE!!  thanks for actually reading this post! now you all know my peppers rating!! comment below your pepper rating! ๐Ÿซ‘ **SIDE NOTE**  peppers with hummus is super yummy 


HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!  Sorryyyy I know I haven't posted the retreat pics yet and it's been a week since we got back. But I can't get. Them. To. LOAD!! It's so annoying. ☹️ Today has been a pretty chill Mother's Day! For lunch we went out for egg rolls and egg foo young with my aunt and my grandparents, and for supper we're having chicken and shrimp hibachi. I have to leave in like forty five minutes for volleyball tho! It's kinda sad tho, bc then I have to leave on Mothers day. But then I get to see my friends at practice!  Ohhh since were talking about volleyball guess what? We got a new volleyball net! Our old one was literally breaking SO MUCH! The net started ripping from the cord that connects from the two poles, and then it ripped all the way. I could actually spike the ball ๐Ÿ˜€ We opened up the pool a few weeks ago! I went swimming with Hattie but is was soo cold!!  I have to leave in half an hour now! I'll try to post again soon! 

pics coming soon...

I know it's been a couple of days since we got back so I will post the pics of Mother Daughter retreat soon, I just don't rly have them yet...๐Ÿ˜ถ‍๐ŸŒซ️ BUT I WILL HAVE THEM SOON!!


Guess what... WE'RE LEAVING FOR MOTHER DAUGHTER RETREAT IN HALF AN HOUR!!  tho knowing MOM and ELLA, it's prolly going to be more like an hour. ๐Ÿ˜ญ I'm sooo excited!! I have to go tho, but I'll post pics of it once we get back on Sunday!