
Showing posts from January, 2023


 To catch you up, here's what's been going on lately in my life! ~ Christmas/New Year's Eve were pretty good for me. As always, my family went to three different Christmases. A Christmas on my dad's side, a Christmas on my mom's side, and a Christmas with just my family. It got really busy. For New Year's Eve, some family from my mom's side came over so we could have a New Year's Eve party like last year! For supper we had a ramen bar with ramen, broth, bok choy, eggs, mushrooms, onions, chicken, and other toppings. We stayed up until 12:00 playing Just Dance, Lego Rock Band, and Country Rock Band.  ~ Now that it's the New Year (and that is has been for eight days), we have to start school tomorrow. Actually, we started school last Tuesday but we only did a few subjects then like math and science. This week we're starting everything . Which is four or more subjects. Which is sort of a lot. Which is sad.  ~ On a, let's see, less DEPRESSING not


 Soooo I have been doing a REALLY bad job at posting. Sorry! I've been busy with Christmas stuff, school, family events, youth group, and other things so I haven't posted lately. Wellllll actually more like I haven't posted since the middle of November last year. Hopefully I can post more soon but we're also going to be busy soon because we are leaving on a 10-day trip to Maui, Hawaii later this month.  That's it for now. See you later!