
Showing posts from July, 2022

Cabin Picture!

I just found my cabin picture from camp yesterday! Here is is:  

Horse VBS

Hi again! This week has been really fun. Yesterday was the last day of VBS! We did it at a ranch my friend volunteers at called 2nd Chance Youth Ranch. Here's some things we did... -Took pictures for a photo album craft we were doing (we also did more crafts too) -Did a bible lesson everyday -Helped take care of the horses -Had yummy snacks -Rode bareback on a horse -And more! It's been an awesome week so far! Too bad this was my last year of VBS though, since now I'll be too old to go. 😥 It was super fun though! Bye for now! Wait, guess what? My birthday's in a week! I'm so excited!

Fourth of July

  Um...whoops! I haven't posted since July. Here's a couple of new posts to make up for the couple of months I didn't post a ton. I know this is a little...late, but here's what we did for the Fourth of July! The day started off pretty slow, but it turned out to be really fun. After lunch, we went to a carnival-thing in Coon Rapids (I think, and then we got ice cream at Coldstone! Here's a picture of Lily, Delaney, and me on a ride... I got mint with oreos in it. Yum! After that, we came home and ate supper. Then we went night swimming! It was a really fun fourth of July.  If you want to see my post about last Fourth of July, click on the link below. We did a BUNCH of fun things at Wild Mountain last year : Life from a Beanbag: Happy Fourth!