
Showing posts from September, 2021

My Weekend

  I have to admit, this weekend was pretty fun. Yesterday everyone but Ella and me left for Lily and Hattie's soccer, so the house was pretty quiet for the first part of the morning. Then for brunch (basically lunch for me, I had a late breakfast), Mom, Lily, Hattie, and I drove to the Kitchen Table and got some food. I got Maddie's breakfast, which is pancakes, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and sprinkles. Most of the afternoon I hung out with friends and then later we went to the Nowthen Fall Festival and saw some of our neighbors there! I got mini donuts, and the fireworks at the end of the night were really cool.  This morning we went to church with one of Ella's friends and had a yummy lunch once we got back. We hung out with Delaney for most of the afternoon and then closer to supper most of us were hanging out in the front yard. I practiced volleyball a little bit with my Dad, and now we're waiting for the fire to start outside.  It's been a great weekend!

Fun on Friday

  I am sooo glad it's Friday. This was only my first week of school but already I'm starting to wish it's the first week of summer. Anyways, today was pretty fun. I hung out with Hattie for a while and we made a couple video star videos. And by the time it was supper, both Ella and Lily were gone. Ella got to go to the Cheesecake Factory (lucky!) with a special friend and Lily went on her birthday outing. For supper the five of us that were still got Jimmy John's and speedway slushies. Guess that's it for now. Bye!

Terrific Tuesdays

 We started school today! I don't really like it too much, but I guess if I keep being grumpy about it it'll make the next year really long. Anyways, last night's volleyball practice went good. We did a scrimmage game, and then after I rode home with Delaney and her dad. Speaking of sports, Lily and Hattie have soccer tonight, and Delaney is coming with us to watch Lily's game and Hattie's practice. A little bit ago we made a music video on Video Star (well, me and Delaney) of us dancing to Fuzzy Christmas. I guess that's it for now. Come back soon!

At Home watching Home

  Right now Mom, Dad, Ella, Owen, and Hattie are in living room watching Home. I've watched it too many times so I don't like it that much, but there are some funny parts. But then again, who asks me for my movie opinion? We also watched High School Musical 2 earlier, after Ella, Owen, Hattie, and I had put on carbonated face masks. We looked foamy really foamy, and I accidentally got some in my mouth and it tasted really bad.  It's 8:50 right now, so I guess I gotta go. I'll try to post tomorrow though! Say bye Loki!


 Hi! What have you been up to lately? I'm starting school this week (Monday or Tuesday, I can't remember), and volleyball started last Wednesday (the 8th). Delaney does volleyball too, and it's fun to hang out a little during practice and after. After practice she rode home with my Dad and I, and he took us to Bill's for a treat. Oh, Lily's and Hattie's soccer also started last week, and yesterday morning Mom, Dad, Ella, Nora (one of Hattie's friends), and I went to Lily's game/Hattie's practice and scrimmage. I might post later, but I don't know what we're going to do after church. And Loki looks confused puzzled  confuzzled, so I doubt she knows either. See ya later!

Noodles for Supper!

Hey again! Hope you're having a good day. For supper we're having Noodles, and I can't WAIT to eat. I came across this pic of Loki and decided to post it.  I gotta go eat now. Comment what you think on the photo. See ya later!

My Labor Day Weekend

Happy Labor Day! My weekend has been pretty fun, what about yours? On Saturday we (Grammie, Papa, Noah, and the rest of the Hublers) drove down to Elk River and biked for little while, then went back to Grammie's house. For supper we had hotdogs and brats around the campfire. Here's a few pics! On our snack break at the bike trails Around the campfire (or what's left of it) Yesterday after lunch we  (Grammie, Papa, Noah, Owen, and the rest of the Hublers) drove to Big Stone Mini Golf, had a quick (as in like 10-15 minute) snack, got on our bikes and biked down to Lost Lake Creamery to get some ice cream.  After ice cream (I got mint chocolate chip in a sugar cone) we biked back and then walked to the mini golf place. It was really fun, and I would go there again if I could. Once all 14 mini-golf-golfing-places-thingamabobs were done, we went to look at the sculptures. Us with our golf clubs Nice picture Funny picture! In the donut-looking thing With the horse Hanging with t

Loki's Flip

 Happy Saturday! Hattie and I were playing with Loki this morning, so I filmed her flipping. Check out the video! If you look closely you can see Luna watching in the corner.  Guess that's it for now. Hope you have a great Labor Day weekend!

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza

  I can't believe it's SEPTEMBER already😮! It means school starts soon ( 😑 ), but I also like the cooler weather. Anyways, earlier today (and now) I've been hanging out Adalay. We played Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, and I took a hyper-lapse of it.  It's so fun u should get it too! this is what is looks like...