
Showing posts from June, 2021

Fun with a Friend

Delaney was over today and we had a lot of fun together. We played hide-and-seek with Hattie's walkie-talkies, but half the time when Delaney hid Loki found her and gave her away to me!😂 Here's some pics; I included Loki in the photos because why not? Anyways, it was really funny how Loki kept finding Delaney before I did. Luna even found her once, too! 

Rainy Days

Image was pouring outside earlier today, so Hattie and I took a few photos for fun in the rain. Here they are!          We both got pretty wet. My hair was drenched and Hattie's shirt was soaked, but it was still fun. Right now I'm just hanging out with Luna though. Here she is, staring at a bird or something. I guess that's it for now. Later!😊 Also, comment below about some things and you think I should blog about. Bye for real now!

Bowling Time!

 We actually did do something else! At three-ish, we went bowling! It was really fun, even though I only got a score of 59 the second time. Here's a pic of us there! Well, bye for now. I'll try to post tomorrow! 


 I've been having a good Saturday so far. My family might plan something to do, but for now we're just hanging around. Both Luna and Loki were sleeping... But I guess Loki woke up. Here's me hanging out with my sis Hattie... And I guess that's it for now! 

12 Days Till Camp!

 Yay! I'm super excited, but also nervous, but super excited, but also nervous. I'm going to Shamineau for camp for the first time this year. Well, I've already been there before once for the Mother-Daughter Retreat. I went with my sisters (Ella, Lily, Hattie), my Mom, Grammie, Julie (my Grammie's sister), Clara (my second cousin), and Clara's mom. The retreat was really fun. The theme that year was seasons, so they decorated and had events that had something to do with spring, summer, fall, and winter. Like they had a Luau the first night for summer, and a fall festival on the second night. There was also a lot of other fun things for open rec, like the low ropes course and crafts.  Anyways, it was really fun. Here's some photos! The first photo is us at the high ropes course (left to right; Julie, Whitney, Grammie, Me, Ella, Hattie, Clara, and Lily), the 2nd one is Hattie, Clara, and me, the 3rd is us eating lunch the second day, the 4th we're doing some c

Spotlight on Loki

 Here's some photos of Loki that are pretty cute! isnt she sooo cute?

Those Two Crazy Cats

  Here's some more cat pics I said I would post! You might recognize the last one if you read Kitty Cuteness, but it still fit in with the other photos anyway. Loki is a cat-burrito and Luna is trying to eat her. Loki doesn't definitely doesn't approve.

Pool Pics

  Here's some pics of me and my friends in our pool we took yesterday. Hope ya enjoy! Comment which one's your favorite!

Friends taking over!

Two of my friends here will be writing so here they are; Delaney: Hi this is Delaney and Cora is a good friend of mine we have been neighbors for more than two years!! We have had a lot of good times and we have been getting better and better at ping pong every time I am over! Here's a pic of us: Thanks for reading cora's blog that is it from me!! Here is Brooklynn  Hi this is Brooklynn one of Cora's friends and Cora is really nice and has a great sense in style. She is so nice and she cares about ALL her friends. And to me that's so kind. If you were me you would have the best life ever if you were Cora's friend. And yeah.  From: Brooklynn     

Just Hangin' Out

Hey there again! I'm here with some of my friends and we're helping my sister Lily set up her blog. Here's a link if you want to check it out;  Timeline Treasures (  I also have another sister who also has a blog (but she doesn't post very often😥). Here's another link to Ella's blog;  From The Top Bunk . Here's the link to my mom's too!  Life on Hubler Planet . And since I don't know what else to post, here is more cute kitty pics!                              If you didn't remember, the left one is Luna and the right one is Loki.  Now here's a bunch of pics of my friends and me. Delaney is the with the long brown hair and Adalay is the one with the brown ponytail. My favorites are the last one and the one with the three of us and Loki. Comment your favorite!

Kitty Cuteness

We have two cute (and crazy) cats named Luna and Loki. Luna sleeps more than Loki, and Loki is more active than Luna. Here is Loki hiding behind a pillow...              And here's Luna (the more relaxed kitty most of the time) sleeping in her various positions.     And here's them when they aren't so calm;                 Aren't they sooo adorable? Luna's a shorthair and Loki's a calico, and believe it or not they're sisters!


Welcome to my brand new blog😊. I'll try to post often, so you should check out my blog daily and there'll probably be a new post. I hope I'll be able to write in it lots and not once in every couple years (not like that would happen🤨). Hope ya like it! Say goodbye Luna!