
Showing posts from July, 2024

💖 three amigas ✨

heyy!!  its been a couple weeks since i posted about claire coming back to minnesota! the whole friday - sunday thing did. not. work. why? well i'll tell you why!!  her flight was SUPPOSED to come in at 8:37pm friday night, but friday afternoon we got a text saying that their flight had been cancelled because all of the airport's computers were down.  oh wait i have to go rn but ill post a part 2 later!!


GUESS. WHAT!?!? MY BESTIE CLAIRE IS COMING TO VISIT!! she moved last year in July to COLORADO 😭 and ive only seen her like once since then. she came for a few days in september so its been like 9 MONTHS SINCE IVE SEEN HER. 😥 but now shes coming for three nights in less then a week!  heres some pics from the last time she came 😂 i know those are all pretty goofy but what can i say bc THATS HOW WE ROLL!!  im so excited!😀 and this time shes staying for longer than she did in september. i cant wait bc its only a few days till we get to pick her up from the airport !