
Showing posts from May, 2022

Mother-Daughter Retreat 2022

Hi! I just got back from Mother-Daughter Retreat 2022 today. Here's what we did... ~DAY 1~ Friday We arrived at Shamineau! After chapel, a neon glow party in the gym started. Here's some pictures! Me, Grammie, Whitney, Ella, and Lily  Hattie and I in our neon clothes ~DAY 2~ Saturday We did a ton of crafts today. A ton. Some of the ones we did were... Wooden pallet signs and oil candles Scrunchies and pom-pom crafts (or maybe this was on Friday, I can't remember.) We also did a couple other ones, I just don't have any pictures. In the morning and later at night, we also had chapel.  ~DAY 3~ Sunday After breakfast, we got one last hour of open rec time. Once we were done with that, we headed to chapel. It was a really fun weekend for all of us. Hope we can do it again next year too! (and again and again!)